What is a kidney biopsy?

A kidney biopsy, otherwise known as a renal biopsy, is a procedure to remove a small piece of kidney tissue.
The tissue is then examined under a microscope for signs of disease or damage.

Who needs a kidney biopsy?

Dr Ramsunder may recommend a kidney biopsy for the following reasons:

  • Diagnosing a kidney problem that can't be identified otherwise
  • Determining the extent of damage from kidney disease or another disease
  • Assessing how well treatment for kidney disease is working
  • Developing a treatment plan based on the kidney's condition
  • Determine how quickly kidney disease is progressing
  • Monitor the health of a transplanted kidney
  • Find out why a transplanted kidney is not functioning properly

What you can expect during the procedure

Kidney biopsies are usually performed in the hospital. During the biopsy, you will be awake and lie on your side or abdomen, depending on which position gives the best access to your kidney. For a biopsy of a transplanted kidney, most people lie on their backs.

A general biopsy includes these steps:

  • With an ultrasound probe, Dr Ramsunder will identify exactly where to insert the needle. In some cases, a CT scan may be used instead of an ultrasound.
  • Dr Ramsunder will mark your skin, clean the area and apply a local anaesthetic.
  • Next, he will make a small incision where the needle will go. He then uses the ultrasound device to guide the needle into the kidney.
  • Dr Ramsunder may ask you to hold your breath as he collects a sample using a spring-loaded instrument. You may feel some pressure and hear a sharp clicking noise.
  • The needle may need to be inserted several times — often through the same incision — to get enough tissue.
  • Finally, the needle is removed, and Dr Ramsunder will place a small bandage on the incision.

Do you want to find out more, or do you have any questions about what to expect on the day of the appointment?

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